Grapat Bowls & Balls
Grapat Bowls & Balls
Grapat Bowls & Balls contains 12 bowls and 6 bowls in the colors of the rainbow.
Recommended age +18 months.
It includes textile bag with GOT Certificate fabric.
This material allows for the development of a logical-mathematical thinking by classifying, grouping and matching elements though colours and/or shapes.
For the youngest children: The bowl can be used as a lid, to make the ball inside appear and disappear as the classic game of “peekaboo”. Also favor concepts such as fill in, empty, slip and slide…
I am only using half the set for my 1 year old, and keeping the other half for next time. She likes to put the balls in and out of the bowls.
It surprised me when I first received and opened my Grapat Bowls and Balls. It's so thoughtful that the product comes with a bag that I believe moms would definitely love it so that we could pack and go at all time for the kids :) besides the bag really helps with some organization work too.
So beautiful and definite one which is great for colour sorting !! <3
My boy absolutely loved this Grapat Bowls and Balls! It is his favourite as he gets to play with the balls everyday and never gets bored with it. He loves matching the colours up and uses the bowl in his sensory play. Versatile, ideal size and well weighted. Highly recommended for all ages!